The Component Configuration is separated into 4 sections.  Component, Properties, Agents, and Permissions.




Select Map has either Google or Mapbox selections.  You will need an API key for either of these.

Content prepare functionality is mostly used for plugins that use the onContentPrepare trigger to produce the content other than what the extensions view itself renders

The Currency section itself should be straight forward.




Contact Captcha will enable the captcha on the agents contact / Inquiry/request for visit forms.

Terms and Conditions options will show the T&C checkbox for confirmation in the agent Inquiry/request for visit form.




Request for Visit will enable the Inquiry tab with the agent widget in the property details view.

Add To Favorite displays an clickable icon in the properties display allowing the user to save for reference.

Recipient Email will be used to send the request for visit email.

Read More will be the text displayed in the button of the properties view that links to the property detail view.

Hide Categories will show or hide category tags above the properties view.




Inquiry ID is used for reference for contacting the dealer about the vehicle and will be displayed in the detail view of the property. 

Limit is the number of properties display in the properties view.

Columns is the number of proprieties displayed across a row in the view.

Carousel Thumbnail sizes the Slider thumbs.

Carousel Thumbnail Slider is the slider size.